AND... as an addendum, if you want to know how the new patent law can affect your research, read this very informative Viewpoint.
Rants, raves, thoughts and sometimes pointless point of views from a traveling science enthusiast, working mother, and a musician-chef wannabe.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Avoid patent filing catastrophe and the AIA
Here's a great article on how to avoid patent filing mishaps under the new America Invents Act. This is co-written by an expert I personally know. Sometimes I still can't believe how my husband and I have really diverged in paths careerwise, but in many ways converged as well. Strangely, I find myself interacting with plenty of patent chemists and IP lawyers more and more these days. Maybe it's just hip to be patent knowledgeable nowadays too. So, it's good that I know bits and pieces of law stuff which I learned solely through diffusion at home. Anyway, check out the article - it could even be useful to researchers once you get past the jargons. As for me, I have a Patent 101 class over dinner.
AND... as an addendum, if you want to know how the new patent law can affect your research, read this very informative Viewpoint.
AND... as an addendum, if you want to know how the new patent law can affect your research, read this very informative Viewpoint.
Friday, February 10, 2012
The perks of working at home
As a semi-social creature, I cannot imagine working at home all the time. BUT, I have to admit that there definitely are perks. With 2 hours of commute + morning rush preparation out of the schedule, I can allocate my time to something else... like some kitchen synthesis.
My parents sent me a bottle of ube (purple yam) jam - from Good Shepherds, no less. And I wanted to do something special with it. Hence, ube cake roll. Amazing that my roll didn't break! Chemist's hands, what can I say? And the final product is pink because I couldn't find my box of food colors. So, this is the real deal, folks.
After a few hours of continuous work, I needed a break. Ah! I've been meaning to put Tamar's foot artwork in a frame. So, here are the before and after photos.
After another four hours of work, it's time to think about dinner. I found luscious and gigantic green peppers at the Asian store when I did the grocery yesterday that I had no choice but to make stuffed peppers tonight. They've been calling to me all day. Tomatoes, ground turkey, rice, cilantro, a little bit of this, plus a pinch of that, and they're set to go! They were so delicious, there's no "after" photo. They were devoured in nanoseconds while still at 375 F.
My parents sent me a bottle of ube (purple yam) jam - from Good Shepherds, no less. And I wanted to do something special with it. Hence, ube cake roll. Amazing that my roll didn't break! Chemist's hands, what can I say? And the final product is pink because I couldn't find my box of food colors. So, this is the real deal, folks.
After a few hours of continuous work, I needed a break. Ah! I've been meaning to put Tamar's foot artwork in a frame. So, here are the before and after photos.
After another four hours of work, it's time to think about dinner. I found luscious and gigantic green peppers at the Asian store when I did the grocery yesterday that I had no choice but to make stuffed peppers tonight. They've been calling to me all day. Tomatoes, ground turkey, rice, cilantro, a little bit of this, plus a pinch of that, and they're set to go! They were so delicious, there's no "after" photo. They were devoured in nanoseconds while still at 375 F.
Finally, to cap the day, a glass of Tempranillo.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A new lesson plan on drug discovery
It seems that we (medicinal chemists) can get easily lost in the Pharma industry whirlwild when we describe drug discovery. But could it be that the future still depends on the efforts from Academe? Here's a novel Viewpoint describing the benefits of industrial–academic collaboration towards drug discovery research. At least we can all agree that the field is evolving, and this is just an example of how "we" continue to find ways to keep up with the ever-changing times.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
My grandfather's memory
As we sat on the wooden steps of their house, lolo’s stories became grander at times; he saved a young Ferdinand Marcos by shooting from a tree - with his bayonet still attached - before he was shot on his butt and stabbed in the belly. He had the scars to prove it, which made it difficult to identify what was real and what he made up to impress his wide-eyed granddaughter.
But not all our shared memories were about the war. You see, my grandparents took care of me in my younger years, and I have been a lolo's girl ever since. My fondest memories of him include his magic trick where he would put a beetle to sleep on his palm. He would then tie one leg with a string and when it woke up, it flew around me as if on a leash. My own personal beetle pet, bug balloon, or whatever you want to call it.
Time passed, I moved with my parents in the city and studied, and my grandfather grew older. Slowly his hearing weakened, but we still told stories from my youth as we sat in the same wooden steps that he himself installed in their home even before my mother was born. In each visit, it was apparent that he was going senile, asking the same questions, which I patiently answered. It was sad to see it unfold, but he bore it with a smile. Then came the diagnosis: Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which causes progressive loss of intellectual and social skills. In Alzheimer’s disease, the brain cells degenerate, which leads to memory loss. As lolo’s problem solving ability and coherence came out of focus, my grandfather stopped doing crossword puzzles, his favorite hobby. While he went on with his daily routine, we observed the lapses. He would forget that he already fed the rabbit, so he would feed it again, and again, until his rabbit grew as big as a dog. That was one happy rabbit.
My lola (grandmother) pretended to be irritated with his growing senility and passing tantrums, but she accepted it. Sadly, a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease gets disoriented and loses their sense of time. So while he always remembered my lola, eventually, lolo forgot the names of his children who he has not seen for a long time, sometimes mistaking me for one of them. We also observed his decreased interest in reading the newspaper, and the quiver in his formerly beautiful cursive handwriting. The deterioration in reading and writing are also tell-tale signs of the disease. What he enjoyed was telling stories of when he was young: wooing the ladies, and fighting in the war. And I listened; I wanted to hear it all before all was lost from his memory.
While the cause of this disease is unknown, scientists believe that it’s a combination of genetics, lifestyle, and the environment. Typically, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are indistinguishable from normal signs of aging. And at present, a definite diagnosis can be determined only after histopathological examinations performed post-mortem. Two types of abnormalities, called senility plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, are evident in brain tissues and passed as hallmarks for Alzheimer’s disease. Plaques are clumps of amyloid protein that interfere with cell-to-cell communication, while tangles are twisted proteins that lead to failure in transport of nutrients and essential materials in the brain. Over time, the plaques and tangles accumulate in the brain parenchyma and artery walls, resulting in the loss of homeostasis in the brain, and yes, loss of my beloved lolo’s memory and coherence.
Exactly, how debilitating is Alzheimer’s disease? That is hard to quantify, but what most people don’t know is that it can be so devastating that even the olfactory structures can be affected, and the odor threshold is weakened. In layman’s term, Alzheimer’s patients lose their sense of smell. But as other symptoms predominate, patients rarely complain of the sensory deficits they experience.
I would like to think that treatment and cure for this disease are not far off as research funding continues to pour and researches at Pharmaceutical industries are quickly gaining ground. After all, a staggering 35 million individuals suffer from this disease worldwide - a big red banner asking for help. A cure would mean that aging people with Alzheimer’s disease will be able to live a normal lifestyle, communicate their needs, be respected by society - as any individual has a right to be. But most importantly, they will remember the names of their loved ones.
On lucid days, towards the end, lolo’s acceptance of his condition was apparent. Tears of joy and sorrow flowed freely as he got visits from his children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He passed away one month shy of his 100th birthday. I can still hear him quote his hero, MacArthur: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. But I, for one, wish they didn’t have to fade.
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